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> Human Resources

Our company focuses on human resources, skills development, and knowledge and technology transfer, to ensure the process of seed production follows the required protocols. We have a quality assurance team who is in charge to monitor and to evaluate processes to ensure the end products continue to reach the better quality standards, in term of purity, cleanliness, germination, sizing, free from the seed borne diseases and other necessary requirements.
Human resources play an important role to provide the best service. Our employees have extensive experience and know how specific to the crop, as we understand that different crop need different production requirement and care. We also provide them with the latest training to improve their skills.

Our subsidiary company, PT Bibit Baru located at Medan, North Sumatra, and farm located in Brastagi, North Sumatra
Recently we achieved Global GAP (General Regulation Plant) Certificate,
CERTIFICATE NO: C842791-02.2020
PT BIBIT BARU focused on the Seed Production, Research and Biotechnology